Chalk it up to the times we live in...

Hello all,

Like a diamond forming from carbon under immense pressure, so do some amazing stories come from within a global pandemic. Here is one that is inspirational, but also just plain awesome.  Davisville Chalk Grams. Two teen girls and their story in their words. Enjoy!

--At the beginning of the pandemic, we got into doing chalk art in front of our houses. It was just a fun activity to pass the time, while we were stuck at home. We noticed it was catching people's attention and that they really enjoyed our work, so we decided to start writing inspirational quotes to brighten people’s day! Eventually, people around the neighbourhood started asking us to do art in front of their homes, so we started discussing turning our love of chalk art into a business. A goal we made for our business was to donate a portion of our profits to a charity that was important to us. So we decided to give 20% of the money we earn to Sick Kids hospital for Covid relief funds. The first thing we did to start the business was create an Instagram account to promote our business. With the help of social media and people in our community, we started to get commissions all throughout our neighbourhood. As of now, we’ve been part of a marriage proposal; helped people celebrate birthdays; stressful first days of school (now more so than ever!) and even done messages for stores! It has been so rewarding to be a part of the momentous occasions in people’s lives.--




Great stuff. And if you want to see an example of their fantastic chalk skills, come to our Pop Up shop this weekend at 1276 Yonge Street between 10-4. They are creating a very cool message for us...and the community!

Have a super Thanksgiving! 

Stay safe...wear a mask.


Learn more about an amazing first responder and her experiences through the pandemic.


1 comment

  • So very proud of our wonderful granddaughter and her friend for developing this venture out of their love for creating inspirational messages during these difficult times! Love, Nana and Papa

    Donna Mitobe

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